There's a Dinosaur in My Tree
“There’s a Dinosaur in My Tree” is a book by Derek and Esther Keats that chronicles how theropod dinosaurs became birds, and explores their evolution in the aftermath of the mass extinction that happened at the end of the Cretaceous Period. The book is intended to be read by adults for younger children, but should be readable by children above 7-8 years of age, and it can be read by teenagers and adults as well. Learn through the eyes of a biologist with 40 years of research and nature photography experience, and a deep interest in our living dinosaurs.
This page provides links to supplementary materials that related to this book directly or indirectly. It is still early days, and we will be adding content in the coming weeks.
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The book is available as a print-on-demand book from Amazon USA, Canada, and the UK. It is also available on Amazon Kindle on most Amazon stores.